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Professional Self-Assessment
The Computer Science Program at SNHU has provided numerous skills and knowledge within the field of computer science from programming languages to database management and everything in between. The programming languages showcased in this ePortfolio are Java, C++, Python and Mongo. In addition to these languages, I have experience in SQL, Oracle SQL, HTML, JavaScript, C, and CURL. There are various programs and software that I have utilized as well. These include JMP Data Analysis software, Android Studio, NetBeans, Eclipse, Sublime Text, Vim, Visio, and Bitbucket. My journey has also provided knowledge of concepts and topics within computer science. These include data mining, agile development and roles, version control, Linux, Windows, MacOS, hardware, website development, and testing practices. All these knowledge and skills that I have acquired over the past two and half years have prepared me for a career in computer science specifically data management. To be successful in the field of computer science, an individual must have knowledge and skills within these five topics, collaborating in a team environment, communicating to stakeholder, data structures and algorithms, software engineering and database, and security.
The knowledge of agile development, the roles within it, version control and the experience in Bitbucket gives the necessary components to collaborate in a team environment. Agile development and the roles are key in understanding the dynamics of the software development. It allows me as a team member to know my role and my peer’s role to effectively communicate the right information to the correct team member. Version control and Bitbucket has allowed the experience of working with peers on the same code. CS 310: Collaboration and Team Project gave the guidance and ability to work effectively using concepts of version control within Bitbucket. Computer Science is a business and communicating with stakeholders is essential to create a product with the necessary requirements. Stakeholders are the primary investors and fund the work for those in computer science. Communicating effectively builds a relationship, trust, and understanding between the development team and stakeholders. IT 201: Computer Platform Technologies, DAT 220: Fundamentals of Data Mining, and CS 340: Client/Server Development are all classes that helped prepare me in communicating to stakeholders. In IT 201, the final project was to pose as an IT consultant for a small advertising company. The full IT consultation report offered detail explanations and recommendations of hardware, software, network, security, maintenance, and future considerations. DAT 220 was a data analysis of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company and recommendations on how to improve on their sales according to the analysis. CS 340 was to explain how an internal stakeholder can use Mongo and the RESTful API. The audience for each of the reports are stakeholders. Each situation was different, and I have presented the skill of communicating to stakeholders in terms of recommendations, analysis, and explanation.
Data structures and algorithms, software engineering and database, and security are the last three topics and I will be talking about them together. These three topics give the broad scope of the knowledge and skills necessary in computer science. To further showcase these topics, artifacts will be provided coinciding with each topic. Before I talk about each individual artifact, there are other examples of my skill and knowledge within these areas. Algorithms and data structure are also about understanding the system within data will be stored. Knowing the operating environments in which to work with can give better decisions when storing data. IT 365: Operating Environments has allowed me to explore and understand Windows, MacOS and particularly Linux. Software engineering and database have various examples. CS 330: Computational Graphics and Visualization showcased my ability to create 2D and 3D models using C programming language. I have created a local coffee mobile application through my work in CS 360: Mobile Architecture and Programming. IT 270: Website Design has given me the skill to create a website for a Filipino Restaurant. DAD 220: Introduction to SQL and DAD 334: Oracle SQL Fundamentals shows my aptitude in various languages to manage a database. DAT 220: Fundamentals of Data Mining allows me not to just manage data but to analyze data and recommend educated business decisions. The last topic is security. Many of the classes has included topics of security. When managing data, the security of data is considered. When testing code, a developer thinks of how their software will be secure. In IT 331: Human Factors in Information Technologies, it emphasizes the security of a user and recommendations on how to do so.
Following this professional self – assessment, three artifacts will be presented that will further showcase the topics mentioned. Each artifact will coincide with one of three categories, software design and engineering, data structures and algorithms, and databases. A narrative, an enhancement text, and code will be provided for each artifact. Before exploring each artifact, a code review was prepared to look through the code and explain how each artifact was enhanced. I had talked about the skills and knowledge I have acquired through my time at the SNHU Computer Science program. These artifacts will provide proof that I have gained the necessary abilities and knowledge to be successful within this field of study. Continuing, I will briefly summarize each artifact.
Software Design and Engineering was a combination of final projects which will allow to show my understanding of the whole process of software development. The code for this artifact is a medical application written in Java. It includes a detailed explanation of agile development and roles involved, prepping requirements for coding, and testing. This will help showcase the topic of collaborating in a team environment, communicating to stakeholders, software engineering, and security.
Data Structures and Algorithms shows examples and explanations of thirteen types of structures and algorithms. There are three codes provided each showing a different combination of data structures and algorithms to manage bids. These codes are written in C++. The topic that coincides with this artifact is data structures and algorithms and software engineering and design.
The artifact for databases is a user documentation for MongoDB and RESTful API and a data analysis and recommendation for stocks. The database includes information on thousands of companies and their stocks. The code is written in mongo, pymongo, and python. This provided an example of database management and ability of data mining. This coincides with the topics of database and communicating with stakeholders.